Collaborative Sorting Activity

After playing Once Upon a Monster, our classes completed this sorting activity collaboratively.  It was helpful to have Mrs. Caldwell’s Junior and Senior Kindergarten students to tell us about composting, since that is something that many of my students were unfamiliar with.  Using Bridgit, we took turns sorting the items into the correct bins.

Our sort is shared on Windows Live SkyDrive or you can create your own sort by photographing the recycling and garbage bins in your school or home.  We photographed items from our lunches and classroom and used SMARTnotebook’s “set transparency” feature.  The photographs of the bins are set to be at the front of the page (using the ordering feature).  Photographing our own items was a quick and easy way to create our own images, rather than sourcing images elsewhere.  A mini-lesson on copyright/ethical use of media fit in perfectly.  Even students aged 4-7 years old can understand “you can’t use something that isn’t yours” and recognize the need to source “borrowed” media.

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