Tech Tidbits: GooseChase virtual scavenger hunts

It’s back to school here in Manitoba and we’re excited to have students return to school! We’re also feeling the strains of teaching during a pandemic and looking for creative solutions given the current situation we’re facing in education. If you love fun and engaging hands-on activities, but you’re not sure how that will look this year, you’re not alone. Masks, desks in rows and limited movement have us thinking about how we can design learning activities that will support rich learning and still keep kids safe and healthy.

One tech tool we wanted to feature for in-class and remote learning is GooseChase.

Tech tool: GooseChase

What it is: a tool for digital scavenger hunts

How it works: You create a list of items to find (can be online or physical objects) or tasks to complete. Participants can submit photo, video or text to complete their “missions”.

Educator resources:

Pricing: start for free, then request a quote if you wish to upgrade

Ideas for use in Educational Settings:

  • activate prior knowledge: have students visit a website or resource and find key information to submit for their missions
  • give an orientation: ask students to photograph important materials or locations in their classroom, school or remote learning environment
  • apply their knowledge: identify examples in their environment (such as patterns, 2D shapes and 3D objects, arrays, use of advertising techniques etc)
  • explore virtually: have students screenshot different “locations” on Google Earth or submit details about different cities, states or countries

Other tips:

  • check with your school or division technology team to ensure that this tech tool is available and permitted in your setting
  • read the terms of service to ensure that your use and students’ use falls within their terms

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Join Cultivating Connection, our online professional learning community for educators. This new PLC begins September 21, 2020!

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