Olympics Math

We continue to add new elements to our Olympics project, ensuring that our learning activities help students achieve outcomes in a number of subject areas.    So far, my students have been doing lots of reading and writing related to the Olympics, including reading magazine articles, researching athletes, composing Tweets to share their learning, writing postcards to athletes and more.  Today, I was excited to introduce some Olympics math!  Thanks to my teacher friend, Mrs. Thom, we have a beautiful graph to track the medals won by our Canadian Olympic team.   We also added a page to summarize the information and practice our addition by adding together all medals for a grand total.  Students also had fun with our Olympics word problem today, which they read and solved as they arrived in the classroom after recess this afternoon.  These activities are helping students learn and practice a number of math skills, including:

  • addition
  • counting
  • comparison/equalities (more/less/same)
  • problem solving

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