Dear Teacher, Thank You!

It has been a school year like no other and I just wanted to say thanks.

Thank you for working diligently despite the many demands placed on you.
Thank you for wearing that mask every day.
Thank you for persisting when things were difficult.
Thank you for cleaning constantly and rearranging your furniture to keep your learners safe.
Thank you for re-imagining learning activities to fit within the restrictions placed on us.
Thank you for adapting to whatever remote/hybrid/in-class teaching situation was thrown at you.
Thank you for being the computer technician, the nurse, the counselor and the teacher.
Thank you for showing up with empathy and grace even when you didn’t feel like it.

You may be exhausted and overwhelmed, but you deserve all the thanks for educating and supporting the incredible young people in your community. It’s been (another) difficult year, but know that your contributions to education are so very important.

Thank you for all you do.

your friend and colleague, Leah

If you know an educator, please send this letter their way!

P.S.  I know there are so many groups and professions out there that deserve a thank you for how they’ve handled the pandemic. I chose to write this letter to teachers because education is the field I’m passionate about.  Please, if you see another group doing great things, post a message for them too.

Leah Obach is an educator in rural Manitoba.  She works as the Literacy with ICT Teacher Leader for her school division and is the co-founder of KG Education.  You can find her on Twitter or follow the KG Education Facebook and KG Education Instagram accounts if you’d like to connect. 

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