
Olympics Math

We continue to add new elements to our Olympics project, ensuring that our learning activities help students achieve outcomes in a number of subject areas.    So far, my students have been doing lots of reading and writing related to the Olympics, including reading magazine articles, researching athletes, composing Tweets to share their learning, writing

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Olympics Project: Building Knowledge of our Olympic Athletes

We’ve made some exciting connections with athletes through social media, which has led to further Olympics inquiry.  Once we’d learned about pairs skaters Paige & Rudi, hockey player Hayley Wickenheiser and skeleton racer Mellisa Hollingsworth, we were excited to find out about other athletes.  Our class decided that our Olympics project should include research to

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Olympics Project: Art

Right from the project launch, there has been great potential for our Olympics project to address a number of subject areas.  One of the first things students suggested was Olympics-themed art, so I was pleased to provide some opportunities this week for students to create art projects that linked to their learning.  After we learned

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