‘Twas the Night Before Christmas: Teacher Edition

‘Twas the night before Christmas and all through the lands,
not a teacher was stirring, finally free from demands.

The teachers were resting and enjoying self-care
and hoping COVID would no longer be there.

The teachers were settled all cozy in their beds,
while visions of “normalcy” danced in their heads.

Some teachers in sweatpants enjoyed their night caps,
while others rested up with afternoon naps.

While out in the world, there was so much chatter
about COVID, vaccines and what really did matter.

Away to the phone, we certainly did dash,
to answer the video calls, quick like a flash.

This winter has brought us fresh-fallen, bright snow,
and time to reflect, this we sure know.

Then, what to our wondering eyes should appear,
but new ways to appreciate those we hold dear.

With many changes, so scary and quick,
this year shall still end with jolly St. Nick.

More rapid than sickness, the Christmas joy came
and reminded us all that some things are the same.

Still family. Still love. Still connections and joys.
Still peace. Still giving. Still good girls and boys.

A belief in the best and hope in our head
soon helps us to know there’s nothing to dread.

But when a new year shall finally arrive,
we’ll hope for all students and teachers to thrive.

But for now let’s relax, stay cheery and bright,
wish Merry Christmas to all and enjoy a good night.

Happy holidays!
-Leah & Devon at KG Education

*adapted by Leah from the traditional version of ‘Twas the Night Before Christmas by Clement Clarke Moore

Listen to the recording on our podcast, Cultivating Connection.

Leah Obach is an educator in rural Manitoba.  She works as the Literacy with ICT Teacher Leader for her school division and is the co-founder of KG Education.  You can find her on Twitter or follow the KG Education Facebook andKG Education Instagram accounts if you’d like to connect with her. 
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