Dear Teacher, Please Take Care of Yourself

Dear teacher,

2020 has been a unique year for you. Never before have you been stretched and pushed to adapt like this. Never before has our education system changed so much in just one year.

I’ve seen you handle what feels like a million different things this year… You’ve taught online, maybe for the first time. You’ve wheeled from classroom to classroom rather than having students move through the hallways to you. Or maybe you’ve run between two classrooms in order to keep your students safely distanced. Perhaps you tackled the unique challenge of teaching children in-person and online simultaneously.

I’ve seen you spritz, sanitize and wipe every desk, keyboard, screen, marker and set of hands that needs to be cleaned in order to make sure your students are as safe as possible. I’ve seen you find new ways to show affection and foster connection while gently reminding students to “stay in their bubble” because handshakes, hugs and high-fives are currently on hold.

I’ve observed your resilience in handling each new challenge and change. I’ve witnessed your mental health falter at times when you felt that you just couldn’t deal with another change, another challenge, another demand. I’ve also watched you finding new ways to manage the stress, fatigue and overwhelm. I’ve watched you rise up to each new change, challenge and demand in order to do your absolute best for students.

Having watched all of this in awe and admiration of you, my teacher friend, I ask you to please take care of yourself.

This holiday season, please make time to rest and recharge. Connect with your loved ones. Celebrate the holidays safely and joyfully. Look after your mind and body.

What you’ve been asked to do as an educator this year has undoubtedly taken its toll on you. Please know that you are valued and appreciated. That you matter so very much … to your students and their families, to your colleagues, to your own family and friends. And for that very reason, you must take care of yourself.

Enjoy a break. Enjoy the activities you love. Enjoy your favourite holiday foods. Enjoy your time away from work. It’s time to take care of YOU!

Happy Holidays! Wishing you a restful and restorative break!

Your colleague and friend, Leah

If you know an educator, please send this letter their way!

We’d love to support you with your wellness. Get our free Teacher Wellness Toolkit here.

P.S.  I know there are so many groups and professions out there that deserve a shout out and reminder to take care of themselves this year: healthcare workers, government leaders, parents and more.  I chose to write this letter to teachers because education is the field I’m passionate about.  Please, if you see another group doing great things and needing a reminder to rest, post a message for them too.

Leah Obach is an educator in rural Manitoba.  She works as the Literacy with ICT Teacher Leader for her school division and is the co-founder of KG Education.  You can find her on Twitter or follow the KG Education Facebook and KG Education Instagram accounts if you’d like to connect. 
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