You are a Badass by Jen Sincero ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Somehow we thought 2022 would start out different… like not so much pandemic, so much more freedom and fun. Can’t blame us for hoping, right?
At the moment, it’s feeling a bit rough around here with remote learning, a wild pandemic wave and freezing temperatures. We’re remaining optimistic that things will improve for a fabulous year in 2022 and while we’re waiting out the latest pandemic wave and trying not to freeze, we’ve decided to organize another session of our online book club.
We’ll be reading the sassy (and a little sweary) book “You are a Badass” by Jen Sincero. It’s highly entertaining, filled with advice about life and hopefully just what you need to kickstart 2022 with a bang. Although this is a personal development book to help you elevate your life, it’s not the mushy kind or the full-of-research-citations kind. Jen is blunt and funny, with a strong voice that’ll definitely make you giggle at times. She shares her own stories and offers ideas to help you live life to the fullest.
“This is about getting mighty clear about what makes you happy and what makes you feel the most alive, and then creating it instead of pretending you can’t have it. Or that you don’t deserve it.”
-Jen Sincero, You are a Badass

Book Club
If you’re ready to cozy up with a book and get some inspiration, head to to join our book club. We’d be happy to have you as a member of the club to read, discuss and learn as part of our 6 week online book study! Registration is open January 10-21, 2022. Book club begins January 23, 2022.
We always enjoy connecting with new people, so feel free to pass on the book club registration link ( along to some friends and invite them to join us!

Book Giveaway
Win a copy of the book (or your choice of any book from our list of recommended reads by entering our giveaway on Facebook or Instagram.
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